Antiragging Committee

An antiragging Committee, Hitkarini College of Pharmacy Consisting of the following members has been framed with effect from.

S.noName of the staff Contact detailDesignation
1.Dr Kavita Shukla8839180234 kavitavarma13@gmail.comChairperson
2Mr. Vinay Ranjan Singh9977933374 vinayrstu@gmail.comMember
3.Mrs.Lakshmi Gupta9051109797 Laxmilucky.madhesh@gmail.comMember

The committee shall consider the recommendations of Anti ragging squad and take appropriate decisions, including spelling out suitable punishments to those found guilty.

Copies to the individuals                     

  Chairman                                                                             Principal

Hitkarini College of Pharmacy                                            Hitkarini College of Pharmacy